Student VISA

study in USA

Why USA?

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Why USA you wonder? Well, you can ask that question to 30% of the world’s international students who are currently studying in the USA. USA is an international students’ top choice when choosing a place for higher education. Securing the top position in the world for having the most international students every year, it saw the greatest influx in 2016-2017 when 1,078,822 students enrolled in American universities, out of which 57% were Asian. And why wouldn’t they, with the kind of top-notch world-class education it imparts on its students? High quality and flexible in nature, focusing not only on learning but building up students critical thinking and boosting their confidence. Having 4000 universities to choose from out of which 30 are world’s top-ranked universities out of 100, students have a choice to choose from a wide range of courses whichever suits them best. The USA is the hub of technological advancements, everyday new breakthroughs are happening in the fields of art, technology, business and beyond.

Benefits for International Students:

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1. Academic Excellence:

The USA is world-wide recognized for its quality education and academic research. American Universities have set a standard for the rest of the world with its superior resources, High caliber staff and Advanced updated courses tailored around the latest advancements and researches. Due to which international students are confident that they are getting the best standard of tuition possible. 16 American Universities are in the top 20 rankings of the world like MIT, Harvard, Stanford and more. All these universities are spread out everywhere in the USA so it’s guaranteed that no matter where you go in the US you will have plenty of amazing choices to level up your education.

2. Diversity of Programs:

With 4000 institutions comes just as many numbers of diverse courses and programs that you can choose from, make combinations as major and minor and experiment with. No other country offers such diversity where you will be able to study such innovative subjects alongside well-known scholars who are there to guide you along your study year. Each program offered lays great emphasis on both making a strong foundation for theory and for building practical, field-related skills. No matter what kind of specific unusual program you wish to study, the USA has more than a few options to choose from.

3. Cutting Edge Technology:

The USA prides over its technological advancements and advanced scientific techniques and ensures that its students make the best use of them too in their studies. It has made sure that all education sectors are equipped with updated latest technologies thus greatly helping students in accessing data and technology for their further use and research. If you study in any American university, you will be exposed to all the advanced research and technology thus helping you a great deal in your studies and providing you with the best standard of tuition. And it is because of these steps that the USA stays ahead in fields of research and academics. The end result is that graduates are skilled over the latest technology and are completely updated with the current market of their field.

4. Flexibility:

The unique thing about American universities is that they are very flexible in terms of letting you choose courses based on your needs and interests. In the undergraduate program, students have a choice of choosing different courses and see what fits them best before declaring their major at the end of the second year. And if you already know what you want to major in then you can do a double Major. Students have the choice of tailoring their programs according to their career aspirations by combing different courses like jazz music with engineering! At Postgraduate level you have the freedom of making your own timetable and finish your course credits at a comfortable pace within your specific time period.

5. Support Services:

When you come to university do not fear for being alone and wondering how you’ll adjust to everything for every American university has some service program to help international students with everything from settling down, showing them the ropes of everything and making their time here as amazing as possible.

6. Career opportunities:

American Universities due to their prevalent worldwide reputation open up a wide range of career opportunities and scopes for its graduates. It’s known that international companies are looking for graduates with a new take and perspective on their products and American university imparts that kind of education on its students that it makes them think out of the box thus making them a suitable candidate for these kinds of amazing jobs. American degrees make you stand out more in the job market, thus solidifying your chances of topping the competitive job market.

Studying in the USA:

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Student Visa USA Program:

F1 Student Visa:

F1 student visa USA is for those international students who wish to study in any of USA’s academic collage and University. They must maintain the minimum course load that is required to maintain student status. They can remain in the US for up to 60 days after completing their academic course unless they are working for a specific time period under the OPT program.


  • Foreign Residence:

Student’s residence must be outside of the US and should have intentions to return back to their home country after completion of course. 

  • Fixed Institution:

As long as you are on the F1 student visa USA , you can only study at the institution through which your visa was granted

  • Adequate Finances:

You must show proof like Bank statements stating that you have enough finances to support your expense during your stay in USA.

  • Ties to Home Country:

Students must show they have strong ties to their home country for example:

-Job awaiting you after completion of study


-Assets (land, house, vehicle, etc.)

-Bank accounts

OPT (Optical Practical Training):

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Those students studying under the F1 Visa wishing to extend their student visa USA so they can put their theoretical studies into practical work experience after completion of their course, while remaining in the US can apply for this Visa.

  • You are eligible to apply if you fulfill the following criteria:
  • You are currently under F1 Visa
  • You have been studying a course for 12 months (three quarters including finals exams)
  • You have not been authorized for a full-time CPT
  • You do not need a Job offer, you can apply without receiving one.
  • You have not completed 12 months of OPT at the same degree level before
  • You can apply during your academic program, after completing it or a combination of both
Post-Completion OPT:

OPT authorizations that start after you complete your academic course is called Posy completion OPT.It is the most common type and it is a Full Time OPT and can begin:

  • After you complete your course or degree
  • After you complete all requirement of your degree excluding thesis or equivalent
Pre-Completion OPT:

OPT used while you’re still completing your degree is called Pre-completion OPT. It is uncommon as students save it for after completion of a degree. You may start the application process 90 days prior to your employment start date. With this OPT you can work for 20 hours a week during the academic session and full time during the academic break.

CPT (Curriculum Practical Training):

You apply for CPT when you want to obtain practical training according to your degree as it is integral for the completion of your degree. It is an off-campus employment option for students under F1. To qualify for it

  • your degree must require work experience or course credits must be awarded.
  • You must be enrolled for a full year under valid F1 status
  • You must’ve been offered a job that qualifies
  • The job offer must be related to what you’re studying

J1 Student Visa:

The J1 Student Visa USA is for those students who wish to come to the USA to take part in work-and-study-based exchange and visitor programs. J-1 visitors come to USA to study, teach, demonstrate special skills, or receive training This visa is meant for students who wish to receive practical training in those subjects which are not available in their own country and it must be related to their academic course.


The sponsors themselves screen and select the participants based on their own eligibility criteria but the basic requirement is:

  • Basic proficiency in the English Language
  • Must show medical insurance 

M1 Student Visa:

M1 visa is for non-academic and vocational studies. M1 visa folders studying technical and c=vocational programs are not allowed to work during their course.


  • M1 must be accepted at a SEVP institution
  • Have a high level of English skill
  • Prove that you have strong ties to your home country
  • Prove that you have enough funds to afford your entire stay in the US

Top Universities:

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1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
MIT has been crowned the best university in the world

2. Stanford University
Ranked 2nd in the World Ranking

3. Harvard University
Ranked third in the world ranking

4. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
It’s ranked fifth in the world.

5. University of Chicago
Ranked 10th in the world.

6. Princeton University

7. Cornell University

8. Yale University

9. Columbia University

10. University of Pennsylvania

Top Courses:

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Tuition Cost:

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Living Cost:

Estimated living cost for the international students studying in the US is around $10000 to $12000 per year, which averages around $700 to $1000 per month. This includes everything from accommodation, food, travel, and entertainment expenses, etc.