Are You a skilled person ?

Immigrate to Australia

About Australia:


Australia, known as the island continent, with an estimated population of 24 million people is the 6th largest country by the area surrounded by the Indian and Pacific Ocean. Famed for its beaches, natural wonders, and wildlife, it is also one of the most urbanized countries renowned for its large cities such as Melbourne, Sydney Brisbane, etc. The All year-round climate of Australia varies from interior to coastal areas from hot and dry in the interior regions and cold and wet in the coastal. The summers can go as high as 29°C/84°F while winters have a temperature of 15-16°C/59°F-61°F.

Passport Ranking:

In the Global Passport Rank, Australia falls at the eighth place with a VFS, Visa-Free Score, a score of 161.

Benefits for Holding PR of Australia:

Australia, one of the wealthiest countries with the fifth highest per capita income, is considered to be one of the most receptive to immigrants’ country with its acceptance of more than 100,000 immigrants every year on average and because of how the Australian government invest almost 200 million every year on higher education scholarships for international students.

Here are some other reasons why anyone should migrate to Australia

1. Culturally Diverse Country:

Being one of the most linguistically and culturally diverse country where 40% of its population is made

up of immigrants and their children and 15% of the households speak a language other than English, it is

one of the most perfect places to migrate to without feeling like the odd one out

2. Right to Live Indefinitely:

Permanent Residents have the right to travel in and out of Australia as much as they want in their permanent visa time limit (usually 5 years). After their visa has expired they can stay in Australia but they cannot travel out, if you want to travel out, you will need a Resident Return Visa.

3. Great Healthcare System:

Australia, according to American research, has been ranked second best among the developed nations. It has one of the most efficient healthcare systems that cover a broad range of health care services for all its citizens for free in case of public hospitals and at a little cost in case of private hospitals.

4. Quality of Life:

Australia being a relatively wealthy country has a great quality of life with a high life expectancy. With a low population, low pollution rate together with an abundance of fresh air with great landscapes and scenic beauty, its one of the top choices for people to migrate to and make a new home.

5. Free or Subsidized Education:

Australia has one of the best educational systems, ranking 8th in the world. It provides a high-class education, making it compulsory for all children and provides it free or at subsidized rates at primary, secondary levels and tertiary levels. A number of reputable universities are located in Australia like Australian National University, University of Melbourne, etc. Permanent Residents also have a separate quota for educational loans which become very helpful financially. Only citizens and permanent residents can access the Higher Education Loans Program (HELP).

6. Pathway to Citizenship:

After becoming a permanent resident, and spending a specified time in Australia, you become eligible to be granted citizenship which is the ultimate goal and status that you can achieve. Some benefits of becoming a citizen are:

  • You can travel hassle-free, stay outside of Australia for as long as you like and no more long re-entry processes.
  • After becoming a citizen, you can work in federal government jobs.
  • An Australian passport is the 8th strongest in the world and you can travel visa-free to 169 countries.
  • You are protected from deportation regardless of the crimes and their punishments.
  • You have the right to vote and even stand for election
7. Australian Born Children:

The offspring of Permanent residents will already be deemed as Australian citizens, thus will be able to acquire all the citizen benefits of health and education, etc.

8. Privilege to Sponsor:

After becoming a permanent resident, you will have the privilege to sponsor your spouse or children to come and live with you In Australia.

9. First Homeowner Grant:

After acquiring permanent RESIDENCY, on the purchase of your first home you will receive an incentive 7000 dollars and waiver of stamp duty. On top of that, the limitations of the Foreign Investment Review Board on purchase of property no longer apply to you, you are not considered a foreigner anymore.

10. Credit Rating:

Once you become a permanent resident, your credit rating increases thus making you a better candidate for car loans, credit loans, personal loans, etc.

Law and Order:

Australia has strict laws on protecting the rights and beliefs of each and every citizen regardless of his/ ethnic and cultural background. The law and order situation of Australia is very good with a very low crime rate compared to other nations of the world.

How To Acquire Permanent Residency?

There are a number of programs and subclasses through which you can apply for a PR card according to your own conditions:

General Skilled Migration (GSM):

The motive of GSM is to interest highly employable people to migrate to Australia. It is further divided into 5 subclasses and is one of the most common ways to apply for migration. The subclasses are:

1. Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189):

This subclass of Program is for those skilled workers who have not been sponsored by an employer, the state or by any family. By acquiring this visa, you can live and work in any place in Australia and so can your family. To apply for this visa, you first have to submit an Expression of Interest through SkillSelect and wait for the Department of Immigrations invitation. Once invited, you have to submit your application within 60 days or you lose your invitation.

  • Submit EOI and have an invitation to apply
  • Age should be between 18 and 50 years
  • Should score a minimum of 60 on the skills migration point test.
  • Pass Skills Assessment in an occupation on the Occupations List for Skilled Independent visas
  • Should have proficient English skills or higher
  • Should meet character and health requirements
2. Skilled – Nominated (Subclass 190) Visa:

This subclass of the program is for those skilled workers who have been nominated by the state or territory to migrate to Australia, their family is also eligible to come with. To apply for this visa, you first have to submit an Expression of Interest through SkillSelect and wait for the Department of Immigrations invitation. Once invited, you have to submit your application within 60 days or you lose your invitation.

  • Submit EOI and have an invitation to apply
  • Should be nominated by the State or Territory
  • Age should be between 18 and 50 years
  • Should score a minimum of 60 on the skills migration point test.
  • Pass Skills Assessment in an occupation on the Occupations List for Skilled Independent visas
  • Should have proficient English skills or higher
  • Should meet character and health requirements
3. Graduate Temporary (Subclass 485) Visa:

This kind of visa is for those international students who have competed for 2 years of education in Australia and now want to work here. Through this work visa, they will be able to work for a period between 18months to 4 years. This also increases their probability of becoming a permanent resident.

Eligibility Streams:

There are 2 streams for this visa:

  • Graduate Work:

This is for those students who completed their 2 years of Study in Australia and who propose an occupation on the Australian Skilled Occupation List (SOL). The study they have acquired should be closely associated with their proposed occupation. Length of stay granted to them will be for 18 months.

  • Post Graduate Work:

This visa is for those international students who have completed their bachelors or higher education from an Australian institution and can remain in Australia for up to 4 years. An applicant is not required to propose an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL). Length of stay granted to them will be between 18 to 4 years determined by his/her qualifications.

  • Bachelor’s degree or taught master’s degree – 2 years 
  • Research-based master’s degree – 3 years 
  • Ph.D. – 4 years

Unlike the rest of GSM programs, invitations are not the only way to apply and you do not need to submit an Expression of Interest. Other basic requirements that should be met are

  • Age should be between 18 and 50 years
  • Should have proficient English skills or higher
  • Should meet character and health requirements
  • Should fulfill the 2-year study requirement
4. Skilled – Nominated or Sponsored Provisional (Subclass 489) Visa:

This visa is for those skilled workers who have been selected by the state or territory to live in a designated area or a low population growth area or been sponsored by an Australian relative living in a designated area. This visa is valid for up to 4 years and the holder must live and work in the designated area.

Gaining Legal Permanent Residence:

After completing a time period of 2 years for living and 12 months for working in that designated area, the applicant can apply for skilled regional subclass 887 legal permanent residence.

  • Should be nominated by a state or Australian relative
  • Submit EOI and have an invitation to apply
  • Age should be between 18 and 50 years
  • Should score a minimum of 60 on the skills migration point test.
  • Pass Skills Assessment in an occupation on the Occupations List for Skilled Independent visas
  • Should have proficient English skills or higher
  • Should meet character and health requirements
5. Skilled Regional (Subclass 887) Visa:

This visa is the second stage for a permanent visa without the requirements of the points base test. It permits full permanent residence to its owners.


Should be holing either one of the following visas:

  • a provisional Skilled – Independent Regional (subclass 495) visa 
  • a provisional Skilled – Designated Area – Sponsored (subclass 496) visa

Applicant should have lived for 2 years in the specified regional area and worked for a time period of one year only then will he/she be eligible for this visa.

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